Savvy Images Newborn Photo Featured

Anderson Family Review • Houston Family Photographer

This blog post is a compilation of photos that I have taken of the Anderson Family over the last year and a half, beginning with wonderful news of Baby #2 during an Announcement Mini Session!! You have probably seen some of these photos on past blogs or sneak peeks, but I thought it was really important to actually show their journey collectively. I am very fortunate because this hot momma happens to be one of my very best friends. Not only does she have a beautiful growing family that is a blast to photograph, but she also truly cherishes having beautiful photos. WIN-WIN. I’m incredibly grateful that she has helped to support the growth of Savvy Images over the last several years (another major WIN)! She and her husband are small business owners themselves, so they fully understand the struggles involved with growing and maintaining a reputable company these days.

In the recent past I’ve gotten questions from aspiring/amateur photographers about taking photos for family and friends. I figured out fast that could be VERY tricky! I would absolutely LOVE to take beautiful photos of all of my loved ones at no charge, but if I did, I would quickly go broke! When I established Savvy Images, I decided that I would have a set rate (and expectations) for my family and and any close friends that wanted me to take photos for them. It prevented any potential miscommunications, and set our photo experience up for success! It’s safe to say that anyone would like great photos for free, but I felt that if they truly valued my hard work and photography, that they would be willing to pay a fair price for it. It helps to ensure that I never feel like I’m being taken advantage of (not they ever would intentionally do so), and no wheeling & dealing is ever necessary to cause any potential awkwardness between us. After all, photography IS my career. My clients reactions to their photographs is INcredibly rewarding to me, but unfortunately my bills are not going to pay themselves! Dang it..Haha! I honestly feel that one of the reasons that Savvy Images has been so successful is because my family and friends were completely on board with my thinking on this, and continued to support my vision and hard work over the past several years. What can I say… they truly are AWESOME!!

Savvy Images Pregnancy Announcement Photo session[pinit]^^ I believe someone was a little unsure about being a big brother at this point! ^^Savvy Images Maternity Photo session[pinit]But HERE someone is just THRILLED that he’s getting a brand new baby sister! Momma’s belly has definitely grown quiet a bit since their last session!Savvy Images Maternity Photo session[pinit]When mom and dad aren’t hard at work, their family spends most of their free time on the lake, so it was clear that this was the perfect spot for their Maternity Photo Session.Savvy Images Maternity Photo session[pinit]Such a stunning sunset and sweet moments to capture! That final photo was THE shot that I had my mind on during their session. Dad definitely got a workout, and little man had a BLAST.Savvy Images Holiday Family Photos[pinit]Baby Faith was born in November, and I just love the festive holiday family photos!Savvy Images Newborn Photos[pinit]Seriously, LOOK at those sweet cheeks and that precious little pout!!Savvy Images Newborn PhotosI absolutely ADORE precious little brand new baby details in black and white.Savvy Images Newborn Photos[pinit]Mom thought it would be cool to use her wedding dress in their Newborn Photo Session somehow, and I couldn’t have agreed more. I just love when my clients incorporate items that are really meaningful to them into their session. It really adds a priceless element to their photos, and makes them even more unique!Anchorage Baby Photos Savvy Images Even though Great-Grandma resisted because she wasn’t prepared to take photos, she joined in on some of Faith’s Three Month mini session photos. In twenty years these little ones (all grown up) won’t be looking at what Mimaw was wearing or that the background isn’t completely perfect (I could NOT resist including the one of her laughing with her Mimaw)! What they’ll notice is how sweet and AWESOME Mimaw was for being there and taking such good care of them when they were little.Anchorage Baby Photos Savvy Images [pinit]Look how much Baby Faith has grown in six months since her Newborn Photo Session!Anchorage Baby One Year Photos Savvy Images [pinit]For Faith’s One Year photo session, we thought it would be fun to incorporate lots of balloons! Luckily she agreed, and had SO much fun playing peek-a-boo with them! Anchorage Birthday Photos Savvy Images [pinit]We certainly couldn’t leave her big brother Braxton out of all the balloon fun! Anchorage Family Photos - Savvy Images I must admit that their latest session is my absolute favorite. Not only because the personalities of their two little cuties have developed into utter cuteness, but because it was actually an ANNOUNCEMENT session also. They will be welcoming a THIRD bundle of precious goodness to their family in May!! That is some serious fun all around, and I’m already beyond eager to do their next family photo session!!

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