The same morning that my husband and I decided to make the leap of faith to move to The Bay Area, I went to a playdate with two other Houston mommas. One of the moms was a fairly new friend and the other, I was just meeting for the first time. A bit frazzled and still in shock, I shared my news. There were some long winded “What in the world are we thinking?” comments, and then my new momma friend, mentioned, one day she hoped to make the same move with her family.
It wasn’t long before we were taking a break house hunting at a cool park in San Francisco and I received a text message from her saying her husband just accepted a new job. They were going to be moving also! They actually ended up moving to the Bay Area before we did. It was great!! We had our first friends in California, before even moving here. So it only makes sense they would be the first family I photograph here in the Bay Area.
Her Little One’s are the same age as mine, so it couldn’t have been more perfect. We scheduled play dates right away, as soon as we got moved. Even before settling in to our new home! It was the best way to keep the sane for all involved. Anyone who has made a big move with small children, very likely know exactly what I’m talking about.
And it’s an added bonus that we automatically get fun parent friends out of the whole deal also. ;-)
Baby Brett and I had a great time, scouting locations. And of course, checking out the parks nearby. I was so excited to finally have the chance to capture some of the incredible beauty here in California during their family photo session!
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